Monday, November 21, 2011

Spiritual Authority: Pathway to Promotion or Doorway to Death

Spiritual authority is one of the greatest concepts in the Bible.  However, it is the most misunderstood and abused concept in the Church.  This should not be.  The Bible is clear concerning spiritual authority.  In the King James Version of the Bible, the word power is used for authority.  In fact, there are several greek words for power;  In Luke 10:19 we see this example.  "Behold, I give unto you power (exousia) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (dunamis) of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Exousia equals authority.  Dunamis equals ability.  So actually the text is teaching that believers have been given authority over all of the ability of the enemy.  Understand it's not ability verses ability, nor authority verses authority.  It's our divinely delegated authority exercised over all of the ability of the enemy.  So if we walk and stand in spiritual authority it will cripple the enemy's attempt to destroy your life.
Now, that's one aspect of authority.  Another and vital aspect of authority has to do with authority in leadership.  This is where the Church has issues.  There are many Spirit filled Christians that love the first aspect I mentioned.  They relish in the demonstration of the anointing.  Casting out demons, healing and flowing in the gifts are a high priority to many in the Church.  Please don't misunderstand me, I too place high priority in the gifts of the Spirit and flowing in the anointing.  In fact, those that know me could attest that I'm fanatical about the move of the Spirit.  My Bishop, (R.Christopher Brown III) calls me the "revivalist."  I'm humbled by the comment, but must agree with the assessment.  It's not a title for me.  It's what I live for and believe.  My wife (Scarlett) a prophetic psalmist and I spent 9 years traveling full-time in 3 Nations preaching city-wide crusades, church revivals, tent revivals and conferences living in the atmosphere of revival.  So anything less than that frustrates me.  The Church should live in the revival atmosphere.  I want planning to write about this but bear with me a second.  Where are the shouting Saints hiding?  What happened to the Believers prayer meeting?  What's more important than your appointment with God in His House?  Some folks take off work to keep a Dr's appointment, but try to find something to do in order not to attend Church.  WHERE ARE GOD'S PEOPLE?   Somebody say Amen Please!!!!
Some may think I just sidetracked, but the crisis within the Church that has caused complacency and stagnation exist in the area of authority.  I'm referring to leadership authority.
Allow me to make a few observations concerning this crisis.
First of all, in many Churches authority is misplaced.  Deacons don't run the church.  Sorry but it's a fact.
The rich family that gives large amounts of money and promises to make good things happen don't run the church.
The family that had a grandparent that gave the land and paid off the note don't run the church.
The Church belongs to God.  Christ is building the church.  When Christ ascended up from descending, He gave gifts to men.  (Ephesians 4)  The Church is the Body of Christ and each person planted in a local church makes up a member of that body.
Here's the problem!!  We have Church attendants and not Body members.  When the Church functions as the Body there will be proper authority and submission.  My hand can only move when a message from my head gets to my hand.  Neurons sent through my CNS to nerve endings causing muscle contraction that produces movement.  A proper message from the head will produce a proper movement from my hand.
Lack of submission causes miscommunication and improper movement.  That's why people can say "I'm going to leave this church, or I'm going to do this whether you agree or not Pastor because I feel lead."  That's a hand out of order that will eventually pick up something that will harm or even kill it.
We need to position ourselves under proper authority.  Listen Church folks.  God set your pastor in that House for your benefit.  Be submissive and you will grow.  The anointing on your pastor will flow freely to every one that is submitted and respects that authority.  There is so much more that could be said, but enough for now.  Just remember, SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY IS EITHER A PATHWAY TO PROMOTION OR A DOORWAY TO DEATH.