Monday, November 21, 2011

Spiritual Authority: Pathway to Promotion or Doorway to Death

Spiritual authority is one of the greatest concepts in the Bible.  However, it is the most misunderstood and abused concept in the Church.  This should not be.  The Bible is clear concerning spiritual authority.  In the King James Version of the Bible, the word power is used for authority.  In fact, there are several greek words for power;  In Luke 10:19 we see this example.  "Behold, I give unto you power (exousia) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (dunamis) of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Exousia equals authority.  Dunamis equals ability.  So actually the text is teaching that believers have been given authority over all of the ability of the enemy.  Understand it's not ability verses ability, nor authority verses authority.  It's our divinely delegated authority exercised over all of the ability of the enemy.  So if we walk and stand in spiritual authority it will cripple the enemy's attempt to destroy your life.
Now, that's one aspect of authority.  Another and vital aspect of authority has to do with authority in leadership.  This is where the Church has issues.  There are many Spirit filled Christians that love the first aspect I mentioned.  They relish in the demonstration of the anointing.  Casting out demons, healing and flowing in the gifts are a high priority to many in the Church.  Please don't misunderstand me, I too place high priority in the gifts of the Spirit and flowing in the anointing.  In fact, those that know me could attest that I'm fanatical about the move of the Spirit.  My Bishop, (R.Christopher Brown III) calls me the "revivalist."  I'm humbled by the comment, but must agree with the assessment.  It's not a title for me.  It's what I live for and believe.  My wife (Scarlett) a prophetic psalmist and I spent 9 years traveling full-time in 3 Nations preaching city-wide crusades, church revivals, tent revivals and conferences living in the atmosphere of revival.  So anything less than that frustrates me.  The Church should live in the revival atmosphere.  I want planning to write about this but bear with me a second.  Where are the shouting Saints hiding?  What happened to the Believers prayer meeting?  What's more important than your appointment with God in His House?  Some folks take off work to keep a Dr's appointment, but try to find something to do in order not to attend Church.  WHERE ARE GOD'S PEOPLE?   Somebody say Amen Please!!!!
Some may think I just sidetracked, but the crisis within the Church that has caused complacency and stagnation exist in the area of authority.  I'm referring to leadership authority.
Allow me to make a few observations concerning this crisis.
First of all, in many Churches authority is misplaced.  Deacons don't run the church.  Sorry but it's a fact.
The rich family that gives large amounts of money and promises to make good things happen don't run the church.
The family that had a grandparent that gave the land and paid off the note don't run the church.
The Church belongs to God.  Christ is building the church.  When Christ ascended up from descending, He gave gifts to men.  (Ephesians 4)  The Church is the Body of Christ and each person planted in a local church makes up a member of that body.
Here's the problem!!  We have Church attendants and not Body members.  When the Church functions as the Body there will be proper authority and submission.  My hand can only move when a message from my head gets to my hand.  Neurons sent through my CNS to nerve endings causing muscle contraction that produces movement.  A proper message from the head will produce a proper movement from my hand.
Lack of submission causes miscommunication and improper movement.  That's why people can say "I'm going to leave this church, or I'm going to do this whether you agree or not Pastor because I feel lead."  That's a hand out of order that will eventually pick up something that will harm or even kill it.
We need to position ourselves under proper authority.  Listen Church folks.  God set your pastor in that House for your benefit.  Be submissive and you will grow.  The anointing on your pastor will flow freely to every one that is submitted and respects that authority.  There is so much more that could be said, but enough for now.  Just remember, SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY IS EITHER A PATHWAY TO PROMOTION OR A DOORWAY TO DEATH.          

Friday, October 14, 2011

Are we really walking in the spirit?

Paul said in Roman 8:14 "for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God." He said again in Galatians 5:17 "for the flesh lust against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would." The following are 10 questions that can help you determine whether you are led by the Spirit or by the flesh.

1. How is your worship? Do you truly engage in worship or just ride along with the song?
2. How well do you get along with others that are different than you? I'm not talking about morality differences. (race, personality, etc.)
3. Does it talk you a long time to get over the fault of another.
4. How much time away from Church do you spend in personal devotions?
5. Do you genuinely enjoy your time in Church? (Heb. 10:25)
6. Does it ever frustrate you when Pastors, Evagelist, etc. take time to talk about teach the importance of giving prior to receiving an offering?
7. Does it ever bother you when someone does what you do better than you in the place where you you do it?
8. Are you quick to argue when you know you are right?
9. Can you keep a secret? (1Pet. 4:8)
10. In the last 5 days how many people have you personally presented with the the Gospel message?

If you scored poorly it may be that you are too led by the flesh verses the Spirit. I want to encourage you to allow the Spirit of God to lead you daily in everything that you do.

God bless you.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Walking As Christ while Living in Chaos

The Word of God is very clear concerning the life and the lifestyle of a Christian. 1John 4:17 says, as He is so are we in this world." We are supposed to represent Him and reflect His image in our society. In fact, I believe scripture teaches that we are more than just representing. If I attend an event to represent another that means, he's not here but I'm here in his stead. Well the Scripture teaches that we are not just representing but actually carrying Him to the event. We aren't practicing religious beliefs and principles, He actually lives inside of every born again believer. Colossians 1:13 say, He hath delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His dear son. We are not of this world, but of the kingdom of God. We live and move and have our being in Christ. We are seated together with Him in heavenly places. We are joint heirs with Christ.
But the problem is, many believers have become churchy and religious and we aren't impacting our society. Jesus is coming for a glorious Church (Eph. 5:27).
I could spend lots of time here but for now I want to bring out one verse of scripture. Romans 8:9. Paul in this whole chapter is teaching concerning flesh and spirit. Flesh is the nature of man separated from Divine influence.
Spirit is the image of God that must be developed and obeyed in order to please God and walk in victory. Watch this verse. Paul says, you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be the Spirit of God dwell in you. If any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of His. What is interesting is Paul uses the phrase spirit of God, and spirit of Christ. My question is are they the same? Remember we have to study this in it's context. He's teaching about mans flesh and mans spirit. He said you are not in the flesh if the Spirit of God dwell in you. The Spirit of God is the Holy Ghost. We have been given the Holy Ghost. He is the power of God, the Spirit of truth that guides and leads and empowers us to do the works of Christ. But then Paul says if you don't have the spirit of Christ you are none of his. I submit to you that the spirit of Christ is the new man that we become when we are born into the family of God. Our spirit is the anointed spirit of Christ. He lives in us. That's why we are already seated with Him. Because we are being conformed into the power of His resurrection. We have been raised. Therefore, we don't have to work Him up for Him to show up. We just need to learn by understanding and discerning this new man in us. We are the new creation. (2Cor5:17). All things become new. We are the light and the salt. This is a message that I believe God is bringing to His people. We must rise into the full stature of the measure of Christ. It's time to grow, go and flow in the power of the Spirit.
Christ lives in you right now. No matter your crisis or chaos. The Living Christ says be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. We are more than conquerers in Him. Blessings to all in Jesus name. Amen!

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Making Disciples: "From dope to hope"

Jesus gave us a mandate in Matthew 28. I will paraphrase for the sake of space and time. He said, I have been given all power in heaven and earth. But now that I'm going back to heaven, I'm conferring this power to my Church. This power however, is not just for the thrill and chill that we Christian's have learned to feel. This power is primarily for making disciples. A disciple is one that is a follower of Jesus. Not just a Church member, or a tither payer or one that sits in the amen corner. As a pastor I appreciate all of them. The tither, the amen corner and the faithful church attender. But my heart has become increasingly heavy about disciple making.
Therefore, we must be about our Father's business.
Our Church, Flowing Waters World Outreach Center is one awesome place. I love our Church. But we must go beyond the walls of our building.
My wife and I are venturing out through a God-given vision to create what we are calling "The Journey House" A discipleship living center. We have a goal to have many houses dedicated to making disciples out of men and women. Of course, each house will either be all men or all women. We currently have one that is being prepared to open. It will accommodate 8 max, but we are looking for six initially.
These homes will reach out to the people that have struggled with alcohol and drug addiction.
God has blessed us with many resources and tools that I believe will bring recovery to the ones that truly desire a life of freedom. (John 8:32) You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
If you would like more info concerning this ministry please give me a call or shoot an email. We have written material already in place and ready to begin this work for the Glory of God.
My Number: (919) 412-7890 Email: If nothing else please pray for me and my wife as we move into this phase of ministry. I thank God for a strong Church such as Flowing Waters that stand with me, their pastor to obey the call of God to make disciples.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Win or Lose It's a Choice!!!

The Word of God has declared us winners. (Rom. 8:31) "If God be for us who can be against us." (Rom.8:37) "We are more than conquerors." (1John 4:4) We have overcome because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." (John 16:33) "In this world you will have tribulation, BUT be of GOOD CHEER, for I have overcome the world." We are winners. He heals, saves, delivers, answers prayer, restores families, does creative miracles. On and on we can go with the power of our Living Lord. But all of His Power and promises that are ours must be received and kept by us. (Eph. 3:20) 'Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think, according to the power that is working in us." His power and ability must flow through an earthly vessel in the natural realm, that understands how to release it in the spiritual realm. Sounds a little out there, but this is the dynamic key to miracle ministry. The Word of the Lord says, He is raising up a people that will not be silent, but speak and war against every opposing force of darkness. Mass healings, multitudes of sinners being saved, churches revitilized and His called out anointed prophets are coming forth to speak and bring order. Get ready for a change. The shift has begun and the destiny of His earthly tabernacle is taking form.
Now here me please. The Word of God heals. (Psalm 107:20) "He sent His Word and healed them."
We must receive His Word and then keep it. (Prov.4:20-22) "My son attend to my words, incline thine ear to my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life to those that find them and health to all their flesh."
The war is to keep the word. (2Cor.10:3-5) "Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Bringing into captivity every thought, to the obedience of Christ."
The mind is the battle field. We win or lose depending on the mind. God's Word has been declared. Now don't allow your mind to dwell on anything that opposses what the Word says. The Word is Truth. (John 17:17) "Thy Word is truth." Keep your thoughts full of the Word. When other thoughts try to invade. Symptoms, feelings, reports, whatever brings a thought that oposses the Word. Pull it down immediately. This is vital to you winning every battle. I pray and decree His Word over every one that reads this post. YOU ARE HEALED, DELIVERED, SET FREE, AND VICTORIOUS IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

So How Important is the Church Anyway?

The title to this post seems to be the attitude of many people today. Church, is it really important. I mean, the preacher is loud, he ask for money every service, not to mention it cuts in on "my" time.
But what does the Bible say about Church. Although it says a lot I want to just use one verse from Matthew chapter 16:18. Jesus said, "upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
A few points I want to make here. First of all, the Church is not the structures we build with our hands. The Church is the people called out of the World into the Kingdom of God. The most striking thing about the verse we are sharing is what Jesus said about this Church. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Having grown up on a farm, I understand something about gates. Gates are doorways into fenced in areas.
I believe there are areas of darkness created by Satan that holds many people in bondage just like a prison. Addictions, sexual perversions, sicknesses and diseases and even religious bondage. The sad truth is Satan controls these gates. He takes many people into this prison daily and never desires to release them.
Here's the good news. Jesus said the Church I'm building will have the authority to prevail against the gates of hell. The Church is called to be on the offense against the workings of the enemy.
So do we need the Church. Is the Church really that important. Let me just say that the Church has the keys to unlock any gate or door Satan has tried to lock people behind.
So thank God for every Church and every Pastor and leader that is unashamed to be all that God has called us to be.

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