Friday, October 31, 2008

Times of Restoration

In the book of Malachi (last book of the Old Testament) God gave a promise that He would send the Prophet Elijah before the dreadful day of the Lord. It goes on to say that his ministry would be to turn people's hearts back. More specifically, the hearts of family members that Satan has caused to become harden and indifferent. In other words God was saying in the last days I will cause a spirit of restoration to occur. I think we would all agree that there are a lot of families that are torn apart today and children have become the victims of self-serving, pleasure seeking parents. Now it's not my intent to speak to the family crisis at this time. That's another post. However, I do want to explore the thought of restoration.
In (Acts 3:21) we find an interesting verse. In paraphrase it says heaven has received Christ and will not release Him to return until all of the prophetic things spoken have come to pass. Of course, there are prophecies that deal after the return of Christ. But this is referring to the prophesies that deal with the events prior to His return.
In other words there are some things that must take place before Christ can return. This is the reason God spoke through Malachi and said I will send Elijah the prophet.

Elijah was a mighty man of God. There is alot that could be said about him but for the sake of space I will limit my comments. I believe the spirit of Elijah is upon the Church now. Just like on John the Baptist, the spirit of Elijah was upon him. John was a forerunnner of Christ. The spirit of Elijah comes to usher in the Lord as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Now you may be asking what is there to restore? Well, restoration has actually already begun. We know from reading the book of Acts we see God's church. That is the same church in the earth today. However, read closely and we will discover some major differences. The Spiritual church in Acts became the structured church during the dark ages. The spirit of religion took over and man grew further and further from God.
Beginning in 1500 we see God beginning the restoration movement. Martin Luther rose up and began a revolution. From Martin Luther's day until now there has been a series of moves of God. The holiness movement, latter rain movement, pentecostal movement, charismatic movement, Apostolic and Prophetic Movement. The problem is people that were apart of one movement don't want to embrace the truths of the next movement.
My position is this, I believe God was and is a part of all those movements. Now, that doesn't mean man hasn't come along and perverted it. That has always been our problem. We mess up what God does. I believe the next great move of God will be within the Body of Christ. In past we see God raising up an individual. We will now see God move through His mature Church called the Body of Christ. As He does, we will see miracles like in the book of Acts. In fact according to (John 14:12) we can expect the exploits to be even greater.
I know this is a long blog but I had to get this out. There is a mighty move of God coming to those that hunger for His Glory. Let's seek the Glory of God. Church He rent the veil inorder for us to receive His Glory. It's time to move from Glory to Glory. Don't be discouraged, or fearful, this is time for faith to be stirred and Saints to arise and be God's Army!!!! Blessings

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