Friday, November 5, 2010

Speaking in Tongues: Babble or Beneficial??

Needless to say, but speaking in tongues is a very controversial subject. There are so many denominations that all share different views concerning the topic. The real question is, what does the Bible say about speaking in tongues? Are we going along with the teachings of a denomination because of tradition, or do we really understand the truth about speaking in tongues. This is not just a Pentecostal doctrine, but a truth that is vital to every Believer. This could be a long drawn out article, but let's get to the heart of the matter. First of all, I believe in speaking in tongues. But at the same time, I want to have understanding of what I believe. There are several places in the Word where Believers were filled with the Spirit and spoke in tongues. (Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6). In several other places there are scriptures that teach about tongues. (Mk.16:17; Isaiah 28:11; 1Cor.12, 14). But want to bring out a verse that I believe is a major reason for speaking in tongues. Of course, anyone that has studied this topic knows that speaking in tongues edifies the Believer. It builds the Believer's spirit man.
But look at the verse that James brings out. In James 3, He says, the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. It defiles the whole body, and it sets on fire the course of nature. It is set on fire of hell. Now this is some strong language. What does it all mean? The short version is that the tongue is a destructive force within humanity. It is destructive even as hell is a place of destruction for wickedness.
That is why speaking in tongues is so powerful and important. It is just another evidence that the Holy Spirit has been given control of this member in our lives. When He is in control, the tongue can be destructive to the enemy and beneficial to the Believer.

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